Home > The Hypolipidemic Effect of longjing

The Hypolipidemic Effect of longjing

October 9th, 2011 at 07:32 am


longjing  is named after a small town near Hangzhou city in Zhengjiang Province of China. dragon well tea contains low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides of the volume, while increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
    The name “long jing” translates as “dragon well” in English, and this longjing sometimes goes by that name. The experiments show that the human body have inhibited platelet aggregation, reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis. Longjing tea contains flavonols, antioxidant, can prevent blood clots and platelets into the group, to reduce cardiovascular disease.
    Longjing tea teeth, names, clear bad breath 
    longjing tea has been produced for more than 1000 years. Longjing tea contains fluoride, which catechins can inhibit students caries bacteria, reduce the incidence of plaque and periodontitis. Tea contains tannic acid, has a bactericidal effect, can prevent the growth of bacteria crumbs of food residue, it can prevent bad breath. 
   longjing  is one of the most famous teas of China and is praised for its high quality and smooth taste. Tea is alkaline beverage, can inhibit the body's calcium reduction, which is the prevention of dental caries, oral health, strong teeth, are beneficial. According to statistics, in the primary school students to "drink tea after mouthwash treatment" test, the rate of dental caries can be reduced by 80%. 
    longjing was a favorite tea of many of the emperors of China, most notably Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. According to the medical unit of the investigation, have tea in the habit of cataract patients accounted for 28.6%; no tea-drinking habits accounted for 71.4%. This is because the vitamin C in tea and other ingredients that can reduce the turbidity of the eye lens, regular tea drinking on the reduction of eye diseases, Eye have a positive effect.

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