Home > Quality Control of cell phone jammer

Quality Control of cell phone jammer

October 11th, 2011 at 08:10 am

Compared to the old password or IC card identification methods, fingerprint recognition error rate of less than 0.1%. Also use this phone very much the same people who call phone machine will place your finger on the fingerprint sensor, cell phone that is able to identify in advance whether the fingerprint input fingerprint samples of the same phone the owner. Once the different people who can not play the machines, mobile phones can be stolen by others to avoid. Prevent the safe use of mobile phone stolen fight is one of the strategies, there are many mobile phone manufacturers in order to prevent mobile phone Daoda, have launched a dedicated mobile phone anti-theft system. The detector of  
Cellular Phone Jammer
   intelligent system has group management mode.

It is said that China's TCL handset manufacturers have invented a
cell phone jammer
SIM card based phones Daoda anti-detection system. The mobile security system is specifically for the Chinese market by the TCL companies and foreign well-known mobile phone manufacturer co-tailored, and in the process of research and development to learn from many outstanding foreign communications technology, the company responsible for the project, according to TCL said the person responsible for this anti-theft system and other currently available anti-theft surveillance systems to fight the difference is that, with network operators, by setting SIMLOCK, make the cell phone completely personal products. Using the anti-theft system, users can use their mobile phone in advance to lock in their designated fixed SIM card, if the phone is lost, other users need to replace the other SIM card, the phone will not work. Install the detector of  
mobile phone jammer
   intelligent system on the wall.

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