Home > really and truly the wind caused a wave of Longjing tea

really and truly the wind caused a wave of Longjing tea

October 11th, 2011 at 08:15 am

Many agencies also advertised beauty even Longjing tea powder and yogurt may thin, although the effectiveness of business yet to do, but really and truly the wind caused a wave of Longjing tea.
    Immediately after picking, the longjing is withered, thus removing moisture and increasing the content of theanine. Longjing tea powder, dazzling the market, from the department store-level market and traditional markets such as the sale of products, aluminum foil packaging cans.
    The dragon well tea is then roasted. Glass jars, plastic cans, etc., are priced from one kilogram 200-1200 yuan range even cheaper or higher price, then in the end how to buy good quality Longjing tea powder it? These are different prices on the Longjing tea powder manufacturing process involves the differences, which in the next section will teach you to identify ways yo!
     Longjing tea powder, which process can be subdivided into two kinds:
      Roasters use their bare hands to better experience the heat and understand the development of the longjing leaves, which takes up to five years to master. Longjing tea powder fried Ching: The General Department of Health and tea fragrance, such as tea bag, the color was dark green, more intense flavor with a bitter taste, its manufacturing process are. The longjing tea should be placed in the refrigerator, to avoid humidity, where it can remain fresh up to three years, thus letting you enjoy this marvelous experience for a long time.

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